Flavour Essence

If you’re interested in home distilling, it’s essential to understand the concept of flavour essence. Here’s a comprehensive glossary that covers all the basic information you need to know.

Flavour Essence

In home distilling, flavour essence refers to concentrated flavours that are added to the distilled alcohol to enhance its taste. Flavour essences are widely available in many flavours, including fruits, herbs, and spices.

Just like adding bottled vanilla essence to a cake, you can add flavours like ‘Jamaican rum’, ‘Malt whisky’, or ‘London Dry Gin’ to neutral alcohol and easily make an equivalent product.

Still Spirits, makers of the Air Still, stocks a wide range of flavour essences for gin, rum, whiskey, rye and more.

Yeast Usage for Air Stills

Yeast is an essential ingredient in the home distilling process that is used to ferment the sugar in the initial mash. It is then separated from the final product during distillation.

If you’re looking to add flavour essences, aim for the lightest most neutral alcohol you can.

When using air stills, it is essential to choose a yeast that is suitable for such use and allows the process to go smoothly.

Flavour essence is an excellent way to enhance the taste of your home distilled spirits. Low cost and very easy to use, they make a good base for beginners and a fine base to experiment from. Buy a range of various types, and find the flavour match that’s the best starting point for you.