Flavour Profile

Home distilling allows people to produce their own personalized alcohol. Flavour profile refers to the unique characteristics of the distilled product in terms of taste, aroma, and texture.

Disambiguation: see flavour essence for pre-made bottled flavour profiles.

Here is a comprehensive glossary for the term “flavour profile” in home distilling:

Yeast Selection

The type of yeast selected for home distilling affects the flavour profile of the final product. For example, turbo yeast is fast-acting and high alcohol tolerance yeast that is suitable for alcohol production with a high ABV (alcohol by volume). Champagne yeast is also known to produce a clean and crisp flavour profile.


Fermentation is the process by which yeast breaks down sugars and produces alcohol. Controlling fermentation temperature can impact the flavour profile of the final product. For example, lower fermentation temperatures can produce fruity and floral notes, whereas higher fermentation temperatures can produce more estery and spicy flavours.


Aging can also affect the flavour profile of the distilled product. Aging in oak barrels can give the final product a smooth, mild, and woody flavour. Aging in stainless steel containers can leave the final product tangy and sharp.

Unique Yeast Usage

Air stills are growing in popularity for home distillers, who can select yeast that provides unique flavour profiles. For example, ale yeast can produce nutty and malty profiles while providing the smoothening effect of oak barrel aging process. Whisky yeast will bring out complex esters. Sake yeast can create a floral, fruity profile to the unaged spirits along with providing notes of graininess.

Bottled Flavour Profiles

See flavour essence for pre-made bottled flavour profiles.

Examples of Products

Home distillers use yeast to produce a wide variety of different beverages. Whiskey, for example, uses corn mash and age it in oak barrels to achieve a distinctive flavour profile through the aging process. Gin, on the other hand, also utilizes longstanding botanical recipes to give distinct combinations of herbal, citrusy or woody flavours depending on the ingredients selection.

By controlling the fermentation, selecting the appropriate yeast, and aging the final product, home distillers can create a unique flavour profile, the highlight of their final product.